Looking for a listing agent in Marietta?
Ken Jones at Clear Summit Realty has an outstanding track record of selling homes. Our one stop program delivers quality results. How do we do it? It’s Simple! With a “Can Do” attitude, our experience and professionalism makes us the Top Ranked Realtors in Marietta.
The benefits of using Clear Summit Realty are:
1. Ken Jones – Broker/Owner has over 19 years of experience in selling homes.
2. Completes a custom Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) for each unique home.
3. Prices the properties correctly to sell fast.
4. Staging the properties to show their best assets.
5. Internet marketing with over 100 syndicated web sites.
6. Over 35 years of negotiating contracts.
7. Excellent communication skills.
8. Always available to answer your questions.
We pride ourselves with giving 100% effort to get the job done. Your home is one of the most important assets you have… we know that and will always give you the best solutions to get your homes sold. Call it old fashion or even call it being honest… we want to earn your trust and your business.
Ken Jones at Clear Summit Realty has the expertise and professionalism needed to get the job done!